Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Egg Hunt

This morning we got the kids together for the first annual Ray's Supermarket Egg Hunt. The kids were filled with anticipation as we met the Easter Bunny, granted he was a little frightening and actually couldn't speak a word, but all Kennedi could talk about was the "bunny, bunny, bunny"! After this we hereded the kids over to the holding pen they called the "waiting zone" for the egg hunt. The flyer they sent home with the kids advertising the egg hunt promised hundreds of eggs and lots of "cool prizes". The picture above shows just how many eggs the kids got...incase you couldn't count that high they all came home with 1 egg, and as Jackson so kindly informed us, "This egg is so dumb it doesn't even have candy in it."(The egg was filled with egg shaped erasers). Needless to say the kids weren't overly thrilled with the local egg hunt so we decided to come home and have our own. We threw together a few eggs invited a few neighbor friends over and had one of the best easter egg hunts we have ever had! We hope you all had a wonderful day and we want to wish you all a happy easter!


Jim said...

Jackson is amazing! I want him on my team! He can spot a shaddy deal a mile away now!

Went to Cheri's for a wonderful Easter Feast. We had rabbit.... not really....


nancy said...

That is one big Bunny! I am glad you guys had fun! I am also happy you are feeling better!